tirsdag den 14. maj 2013


A lot of people have asked me how I always am able to keep up with my work-out routine
It actually simple: Goal and ambition
When it comes to what one wants, it is a matter of goal and ambition

Of course there are some days where I just think that I am never going to make it and that I am a lazy-ass (let's be honest here)

Therefore I always keep a thing or two in mind when I work out:
 - A 1-hour workout = 4 % of your entire day (therefore, no excuse)
 - Working out will probably not change my weight, but I will get fit (toned muscles and tight tummy)
 - It is okay if I do not run everyday, just as long as I do some kind of workout, depending on what I want to change (squats for a toned butt and legs)
 - ALWAYS have good music on hand when working out

I like working out, especially running, because I feel like I can release all that stress and release my inner BEAST

So to all those who are struggling with getting started on working out, just keep this in mind:
Don't cry about the results you didn't get with the work you didn't do.

I know it's hard to even consider starting, but think about you enjoying your results in the future

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